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Wie viel meiner Spende unterstützt direkt die Sache?
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Kann ich eine Spendenaktion bei mir zu Hause organisieren?
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Was ist das Mindestalter für Freiwilligenarbeit?
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Why don’t extended families help orphaned children?
The extended family is Africa’s traditional support system but in many places it was overwhelmed by the scale of the HIV and AIDS pandemic, Today, many orphans only receive help from elderly grandmothers who lack a sustainable income to pay for school fees and other basic necessities. Other children have to fend for themselves in households without any adults, often acting as the main breadwinner and taking on caring responsibilities for younger siblings, cousins and even neighbours’ children who have lost their parents.
Why doesn’t the government do more to help the children?
Sub-Saharan Africa is the world’s poorest continent and was hit hardest by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The sheer scale of the pandemic meant that support from outside was vital. Many have criticised governments for not doing more but often countries struggle to provide even basic social services and are dependent on international aid to do this. Whether because of corruption, poverty or neglect, the children have not received the help they need and TaC may be their only hope.
How much does it cost to support a child for one year?
The cost of sending a child to boarding school for one year is around £500. It includes the cost of the uniform, books, health checks etc. as well as school fees. The actual amount can vary from one school to another and from one year to another. Some schools may be cheaper but do not provide the same quality of education.
How much does TaC spend on administration?
TaC is a voluntary organisation so your money does not pay anyone’s salary. However there are overheads associated with fund-raising and managing the projects but we budget 90% of our income to provide direct support for the children.
Who funds TaC?
To date the majority of our funding has come from individuals like you and from charitable funds. It’s your gifts that enable TaC to bring hope to the children by giving them the education they need to fulfil their dreams.
How is TaC governed?
TaC was first registered with the Charity Commission in the UK. Since then, affiliates have registered in Kenya and Switzerland. Each affiliate is governed by a national board of trustees. The affiliates work together in close cooperation guided by a memorandum of understanding.
How does TaC guard against corruption?
To ensure that our country office spends your money effectively, we have a simplified and robust process for financial reporting. Our money goes directly to the schools without passing through any other hands. That way, we reduce any chance of corruption, fraud or misuse of our funds.