Another graduation in 2021! Mercy Nicole obtained her BA in Development Studies with Information Technology from Maseno University. Congratulations, dear Mercy, we are very proud of you! Read Mercy's story here:
"I am Mercy Nicole Ayunga. I was born in Kisumu in a family of five. My dad passed away four days before I turned 4 and my mum was left a widow with three small children to raise on her own. It became a real struggle when she lost her job. She sought employment in another town, Malindi. My brothers and I moved in with some friends of my mother and we came to live in Butere. From there we moved to our aunt for a few months. In this unstable situation, my paternal grandmother offered to take us three children in, so that we would have a stable home and settle down in a school. I lived with her for the remainder of my primary education.
I did my Kenya Certificate of Primary Education and scored 377 points. I received a calling letter from one of the best national schools in Kenya, Moi Girl's in Eldoret. But the school fee was so high and the family could clearly not afford it. My former head teacher came to our home and told us about an opportunity with an organisation called Teach a Child - Africa. He gave me forms to fill and instructions on when and where to go for the interview. I was selected and TaC saw me through high school. For me, TaC was more of a family than an organisation that supports underprivileged talents. The team also offered mentorship and motivation throughout my high school journey and I received support and friendship from my new brothers and sisters who had gone through similar struggles in childhood.
I did my Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in 2015 and Scored a B, allowing me to apply for the Higher Education student loan which helped me to pay for most of my school fees at university. I graduated from Maseno University with a BA in Development Studies with Information Technology. I am currently job hunting and given the opportunity would pursue a Master's degree.
I am grateful for the support Teach a Child - Africa has always provided for me. I am also grateful to my mum and late grandmother for the sacrifices they made for me to be here today!"